Thursday, February 24, 2011

Effective toothache treatment

The treatment of toothache may cause you many problems, first you have to pay for a dentist and second, some people have a scary from this doctors and dental technologies. Don`t wary today we have a many effective anesthetics, who can kill the pain when doctor work in your tooth. There meny home remedies for toothache, but there is no effect on you if you have a big hole in your tooth. Only one can (except doctor)  can help you to get rid of pain in your tooth. The answer is in "Cold Water, Salt and Vinegar"
You must try this 3 methods, but we no give you any guarantees to works on you. I have the problem like this. Before 3 months, i have 8 carieses in my mouth and 3 teeths with only root. I have a 2 granuloma on them a looks like a gypsy in my mouth. I don`t want to go the doctor because i`m scared from it, but now i don`t scare an heal my teeth. Next week i will go again to make final infected tooth and make my smile white and beautiful.

Remedy for toothache

In this post i will tell you most effective remedies for toothache and other teeth problems.

Get some salt and put in you sick tooth, the salt is no have painful effect in you teeth. They can stop the pain for some time and clear your teeth.
You must seal the infection and kill the bacterias in the tooth. Use some alcohol like whiskey or vodka to sterilize the tooth and kill most of bacterias cause you pain. You can brush your teeth with some special toothpaste like Signal integral or other popular and quality product.  There no way to heal the sick tooth with only home products, you have to go the doctor and cure the dental problem.
The toothache is problem for many people all over the world, more then 90% of people have a tooth decay every year and only 30% has make a regular research for every 6 months.
For the most of people, who have this problem i can tell you, the dentist is most recommended. We are glad to help you. If you don`t make you tooth in the beginning, your risk to make a infection and the doctor extract your tooth. After that, the only solution is dental implants, but implants has very expensive for now.

How to stop toothache

In the beginning of living things era animals and humans have a problems with tooth diseases and infections. Today we have a many methods to prevent or treat (if already have sickness) toothache or caries and pulupits.
First think you can do is to clear your teeth and disinfect them with some home staff like garbage and lemon.
This two foods can help you to disinfect your teeth and get rid of toothache for some time. The purpose of this is to disinfect and kill the bacterias in your tooth. When bacterias was gone, the pain has relief for some time, but don`t least your time, go to dentist and make a full medical research on your mouth. Don`t allow on infection to spread in your mouth and prevent future problems with your teeth.
Everything you need is one lemon, garbage and salt.
Smash the garbage and lemon (without bark) and put them in to the hole of your caries, after few minutes you can feel relief the pain in your tooth. After that, you can go to doctor to seal the hole.